Crosspoint’s boarding facility provides a comfortable & healthy equine lifestyle featuring experienced caretakers, spacious stalls, a healthy diet, and consistent turnout regiment.


    • Air controlled ventilation, fans, and insect repellent system for all stalls

    • Each stall has two water buckets that are cleaned daily and refilled throughout the day to ensure proper hydration

    • All horses have access to a Theraplate which promotes strong and flexible tendons and muscles and helps to prevent and heal injuries

    • Diet consists of veterinarian recommended grain given to the horses twice a day along with Timothy/Alfalfa hay three times per day. Grain and hay are measured to account for each individual horse’s weight and training plan

    • Horses receive a minimum of two hours of turn out every day. Each horse’s specific turnout regiment is determined by their specific training program and any veterinary recommendations

Any and all input from boarders is always used to make each individual horse feel as comfortable as possible.